Tuesday 2 July 2013

How to Form the Subjunctive in French

All types of the subjunctive described here use the same endings, except for Type 3 (read on to find out what 'Type 3' is!).
Pronoun Ending
Je -e
Tu -es
Il / Elle / On      -e
Nous -ions
Vous -iez
Ils / Elles -ent

Monday 1 July 2013

Conditional Clauses in Spanish - Quiz

1. If you were Prime Minister, what would you do?

2. If you had been Prime Minister, what would you have done?

Conditional Clauses in Spanish - A Brief (-ish) Summary

There are two types of conditional clauses used in Spanish:

1. Clauses in which we talk about reality and possibility take the indicative

  • si + present indicative + future indicative
  • si + present indicative + present indicative
  • si + preterite + preterite


Si salgo temprano, llegaré a tiempo
If I leave early, I will arrive on time
Si salgo temprano, llego a tiempo
If I leave early, I arrive on time

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Common Misconceptions about Language Learning

In this wonderfully diverse world, there are around 7,000 languages. How many languages do you speak? Perhaps you are considering learning a language, but you're not sure if you'll be able to undertake such a seemingly daunting task. Have no fear, amigo! Soon you'll be ready to begin your language-learning journey. Here are just a few common misconceptions and thoughts about language learning.